Where did the last 9 yrs go?

These are not in order at all, but I am too lazy to change that. Gracie just turned 9. She wanted our family and some friends to go the beach. We thank them for taking the time to drive down there and spending the day with us to help her have a great birthday. After the beach we went to IHOP for dinner where she got free ice cream.

She got an awesome scrapbook kit which she loves. It's just her kind of thing.
She got 3 new Webkinz, which she was very happy to receive.
She got her ears pierced a few months ago and she got many new earrings.
I can't believe she is 9, where does the time go? She is such a sweet girl I really love having her in our family.

We Love you Gracie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Our big 4 yr. old

I LOVE this look that he gives. It' a I am excited but I am going to be shy face. It melts me!
One of my AWESOME friends made this car cake for our birthday boy.
Brad and I were able to go to his school to share cup cakes with his class.

He had a great birthday. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he said a red, purple, and blue car. So we bought him some cars and he got a few from other people and he couldn't have been happier. We went to a movie as a family and then went to eat at the "cow"-chick fil a. We love our little guy!!!


Our church put together a Community Health Fair on May 1st; and part of this fair was a 5K. I wasn't going to register and run, because my leg still gives me grief upon occasion, and my work out partner is nearing the end of her pregnancy and she couldn't run it with me. The day before the race I had a friend text me and ask if I was interested in trying to run it with her, because she knew she couldn't do it by herself. So we got this crazy idea that we would try. We showed up and did the late registration, and on a very hot and humid day decided to run our first 5K . I haven't been running at all but I have been doing all of my crossfit training and I know that is the only way that I was able to run this thing. Not the best time in the world, (36:51) but I guess there is next year to improve. I'm proud that I finished and that my leg held out and didn't even hurt afterwards.